Announcing CMX Workshop with Robin Dreeke, Founder of the People Formula and Head of FBI Behavioral Analysis Program
David Spinks
September 23, 2014
May 3, 2024

Disclaimer: The views and information expressed do not represent the views of the FBI.

Robin Dreeke is no stranger to the CMX stage, having joined us at our last two summits. As expected, he's been a consistent crowd favorite.

Now we're thrilled to bring him back but for something different, this time as the third and final workshop at CMX Summit November 14, following the first full day of speakers.

The first two CMX Workshops will be very tactical, focused on how to build a community strategy at different stages and how to track, measure, report, and validate your community-building efforts. Robin's workshop will be focused on the softer human skills, teaching you techniques for building trust and understanding how people think.

This is a rare opportunity to learn from one of Behavioral Psychology's leading experts, at a fraction of the cost of his usual workshop price. He's doing this just this one, just for the CMX community, just for you.

That means we'll now have three workshops:

Workshop 1: Developing your Community Strategy and Roadmap

Workshop 2: Community Metrics, ROI and Reporting

Workshop 3: The Social Psychology of Trust, Rapport, and Relationship-Building

Tickets for the workshops are sold separately and they are already half-full. Space will be strictly limited to ensure an intimate experience for attendees, so don't wait to get your tickets.

Who is Robin Dreeke?

Robin is an expert trainer, project manager, author, and group facilitator with a substantial background in leadership, adult learning, and facilitation, both within the US Government and with private sector organizations.

He's a 1992 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and former U. S. Marine Corps Officer. For the past 17 years, Robin has been in the FBI, formally serving as the head of the elite Behavioral Analysis Program of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.

Robin has studied interpersonal relations and behavior for the past 26 years. Through his professional roles and his passionate interest in this field, he has developed his own unique interpersonal techniques and tools. Synthesizing his expertise in Myers-Briggs, Emotional Intelligence and other areas, Robin has developed his own highly effective techniques for improving performance in the field of interpersonal communication. His most recent book is It’s Not All about “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport With Anyone, ” a pocket manual for teaching you to break through walls and tear down the blockers people put up to building strong, unbreakable bonds.

We asked Robin to give you some quick insight into what you'll learn at the workshop...

1. What can we expect to learn from your CMX workshop?

The full title will be "It's Not Complicated: The Social Psychology of Trust, Rapport, and Relationship-Building for Community Managers." It will go more in-depth with what I covered in the first two summits around trust-building, ego suspension, and breaking down boundaries. I will focus on the power of non-judgmental validation and how to apply it to my five-stage trust-building process.

2. Do offline trust-building strategies apply to online trust-building in communities?

Whether online or offline, the brain still responds to the same core stimuli for building trust. We crave validation and acceptance. Hence we like "likes" being re-tweeted, shared, etc. All of these little acts will add up to the validation piece and what we an deliver very effectively in person.

3. What concrete skill or piece of knowledge will CMX Workshop attendees walk away from your workshop knowing?

I'll be teaching the concrete 5-step process to building trust. We will also learn the phraseology and language you need to use in order to exercise non-judgmental validation effectively in your communities.

Register for CMX Workshops

Space is strictly limited to keep workshops intimate and valuable to each attendee.

David Spinks
Founder of CMX, VP of Community at Bevy
September 23, 2014
May 3, 2024

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