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CMX Summit 2020 — What To Know Before You...Login!
July 27, 2020
May 3, 2024

It seems like only yesterday that I was sharing with you my tips for attending CMX Summit 2020 in person, but things have changed A LOT in just six months! The biggest change, of course, is that for the first time ever, CMX Summit 2020 will be 100% virtual. What does this mean? It means that we can reach more community professionals, field event marketers, customer success professionals, and more, from all around the world!For many of you, this will be the first virtual conference you attend, and so I figured I’d share some tips for attending the biggest CMX Summit ever.

Get your ticket!

CMX Summit 2020 is completely FREE to attend (yes, you read that right), and you need to RSVP to get that golden link to join. Collect your free ticket!You can also purchase an All Access Pass. This pass will give you access to the live 2-day conference as well as an extra day of live workshops, and their recordings, VIP networking, sessions, and events during Summit, and early access to session recordings! Purchase your All Access pass

Clear your calendar

At CMX Summit 2019, David Spinks said, “events like this are not sprints, they are marathons”, and this year will be no different - just a virtual marathon! Clear your calendar on October 6 and 7, make yourself fully available to get involved, and make the most of the sessions and opportunities CMX Summit has to offer. You never know what you will learn or who you will meet that can help you grow as a community professional. Check out the schedule so far at CMX Summit 2020!

Plan your days

Just like an in-person conference, there are going to be multiple presentations, sessions, fireside chats, networking opportunities, and demonstrations happening all at the same time. When the Agenda is announced, make sure you take a look at it and highlight which sessions you would like to attend, which URL you need in order to join, and what time the session will take place in your local timezone. There will be a lot going on, so it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed. Coming prepared will help. CMX just announced the first round of speakers! Check out who’s who at CMX Summit 2020!

Check the time zone

The beauty of virtual events is that with an internet connection and a device, you can attend from anywhere in the world! CMX HQ is based in San Francisco, CA, which means this event will be following Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Be sure to check the time difference between your local timezone and PDT, and prepare your day accordingly. If your time zone makes it difficult to join CMX Summit 2020 live, don’t fret! Every session will be recorded, and released to the community. With an All Access Pass, you will have early access to the recordings, as well as access to the Workshops - the Workshop recordings will not be shared outside of the All Access Pass holders. Purchase your All Access pass!

Get involved in some pre-Summit networking

It can be hard to attend an event and not know anyone in attendance. Although there will be one-on-one networking opportunities virtually during CMX Summit 2020, it can help to head into the event knowing a few people. So, we want to make sure attendees have as many opportunities to meet as possible. There will be plenty of opportunities to virtually connect with other attendees before CMX Summit 2020, so look out for those opportunities and join in on the fun! Subscribe to the CMX weekly newsletter to stay up to date about all things CMX Summit 2020.

What do you want from CMX Summit 2020?

Creating goals will help you get the most out of this event. Specifically, what do you want to hear about or talk about? Come prepared with talking points and questions for the networking sessions. This will help you tailor the event to your own community-related interests, and will also help you plan your days! Check out the schedule so far at CMX Summit 2020!

Want to be on stage?

Speakers always play a key role in any great event and this year we’d love to have you join us on stage! Speaker Applications are officially open for CMX Summit 2020!As you begin to write your pitch, we've compiled some tips for what makes a good speaker submission for CMX Summit. We want you to submit incredible pitches. Go ahead, make our choice difficult! Read: Picture this: You. On stage. Virtually. At CMX Summit 2020!

Bring your friends!

Invite a friend to attend CMX Summit 2020 with you! That way, you can talk about your thoughts and what you learned. If it’s a coworker, you can collaborate on your learnings and think about how to implement them at your company. Getting another perspective is always a good idea! Get your free ticket to CMX Summit 2020 here!

July 27, 2020
May 3, 2024

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