It really levels up your ability to build and engage communities, not to mention the incredible network of community professionals you get to interact with."
— Stephanie Yolish, Yelp
Key Findings
Community teams are small but scrappy.
16% report having no full-time team members dedicated to their community, the highest ever recorded. However, community teams are increasingly involved in activities like running chapter-based programs and designing community products and experiences.
Lack of budget is an increasing concern.
Investment in the community is decreasing and community professionals are increasingly frustrated with lack of budget. However, respondents continue to report that their community has a positive impact on the organization.
Layoffs are common, but community professionals plan to stay.
37% have been affected by layoffs, yet they are less concerned about job loss than last year. Only 11% want to switch fields.
Communities are having more success with consistently engaging members.
While engaging members is a common challenge, this is something that only 34% report (compared to 55% when we first asked this question in 2020).